Coupons, Offers, Discounts in Bluepharma store

The Bluepharma store has many Discounts, offers and Coupons that you can take advantage of when purchasing from the store.

Coupons :

When you Sing up at the Bluepharma store and create a new account for you, You will get a WELCOME Coupon With a Discount of 5%, you can use it when purchasing from Bluepharma store on any invoice you choose for one time only.

There are also cumulative discounts that enable you to get multiple coupons depending on the value of your current bill:

  • When the value of your current bill reaches (from 0 to 499.999SP), you will get for every 15,000SP, a 500SP discount Coupon that you can use on your next bill.
    Example: If the value of your current bill is 300,000SP, you will get a discount Coupon worth 10,000SP that you can use on your next order .
  • When the value of your current bill reaches (from 500,000SP to 1,000,000SP), you will get every 10,000SP a discount
    500SP can be used on your next order .
    Example: If the value of your current bill is 800,000SP, you will get a discount coupon worth 40,000SP that you can use in your next order .

Offers :

The Bluepharma store has many special offers on its products, To see and get it, all you have to do is check the special offers section on the home page or from HERE

Discounts :

The Bluepharma store launches at specific times exclusive discounts that may include all products in the store or special seasonal discounts.

They are advertised on the site and on all store’s social media platforms.